How I visited Milan without breaking the wallet

Italy is beautiful. Glorious even. And each region is so different, as a tapestry made of different fabrics stitched together. Food, Art, History. Italy has a bit of everything for everyone. But you know what? It is also pricy. It can be expensive. Milan, for instance, is known for being one of the most expensive … Continue reading How I visited Milan without breaking the wallet

Bergamo – don’t miss this little gem of Northern Italy

View to the Città Alta from the Lower City Milan Bergamo is an airport famous for those seeking to visit Milan with low-cost airlines. Just an hour away from the capital of the North of Italy, Bergamo is therefore missed as a place to also stop, sleep in, and explore, and more like a place … Continue reading Bergamo – don’t miss this little gem of Northern Italy

Visiting Turin, Italy’s first capital – there is so much to see!

As I sat on the train at Milan Central Station, I felt a wave of fatigue taking over my body. I could detect a small headache and my throat was complaining a little. My nose had started to run water. I cursed to myself. Was I really getting ill? I even almost fell asleep once … Continue reading Visiting Turin, Italy’s first capital – there is so much to see!