Gabrielle Chanel: a Fashion Manifesto exhibition at the V&A, London

I have three loves and those are books, travel and fashion. I had the chance to go and see the exhibition Gabrielle Chanel: a Fashion Manifesto at the Victoria & Albert's Museum in London. Once tickets got released a while ago I immediately jumped at the opportunity of getting a ticket for myself. Gabrielle Chanel … Continue reading Gabrielle Chanel: a Fashion Manifesto exhibition at the V&A, London

September, my second-chance January, and a huge life change

Hampstead Heath September is here. Suddenly, almost three-quarters of the year have gone by. You don't really know what you have been doing all of this time. It's gone so fast. And despite how scary that seems, I have always welcomed September because this month demarks a new season - to me, it marks a … Continue reading September, my second-chance January, and a huge life change

The Month of the Dead – learning about the Paris Morgue in Brompton Cemetery

We fear death almost as much as we are attracted to it. The gruesome, the morbid. As long as it's not with us, or our loved ones. There is a reason why the true crime genre has had such a resurrection in the past few years. Understanding what happened, the why, and how. The twistier … Continue reading The Month of the Dead – learning about the Paris Morgue in Brompton Cemetery

The month of the Dead – West Norwood Cemetery

We're halfway through the month of October already. This is one of my favourite, if not my favourite, time of the year. I love fall and well... the countdown to Halloween. I'm definitely a fan of ghost stories, of lost souls, always curious about the rituals different countries have used and currently still undertake when … Continue reading The month of the Dead – West Norwood Cemetery