Luang Prabang: exploring the spiritual ancient capital of Laos

Another cold welcoming Laos. A country that is still relatively under the radar, but perhaps for that reason it attracted me so. I landed in Luang Prabang shortly after 6pm, but the sun had set already and it was a dark night. During the late hours, the temperatures were also some of the lowest I’d … Continue reading Luang Prabang: exploring the spiritual ancient capital of Laos

Siem Reap and Kampong Phluk: Contrasts of Privilege and Reality

Siem Reap can be a sleepy town or a complete madness, depending on the hour of the day. It’s definitely far from the busy Phnom Penh, but as the sun starts to set, with a slight drop in temperature, the pub street opens with its loud music and blinding lights, all the massage parlours start … Continue reading Siem Reap and Kampong Phluk: Contrasts of Privilege and Reality

Angkor Wat from Sunrise: Cultural Education & Nature’s Triumph

After my bad experience in Phnom Penh, I arrived in Siem Reap feeling mentally exhausted. I had decided to stay at an Ibis, a chain hotel, hoping that’d give me some resemblance to the cleaning standards from back home, hoping I could have a good night’s sleep, and praying for a window. The moment I … Continue reading Angkor Wat from Sunrise: Cultural Education & Nature’s Triumph

Phnom Penh: Walking Ordeal and the Challenging Visit to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

It was 11am and I was absolutely overwhelmed. I had arrived in Phnom Penh just the night before, and checked in a pretty poor hotel. My room was located just next to the reception, on the ground floor, it definitely hadn’t been properly cleaned, and there was music blasting from their bar/restaurant literally for the … Continue reading Phnom Penh: Walking Ordeal and the Challenging Visit to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum