The Baltics: Trakai, Lithuania – a dreamy stop for tired eyes

Not too far from Vilnius (a 30 minutes train ride west), you'll find an idyllic place called Trakai. It has only about 6,000 inhabitants, but it was once the capital of the country in medieval times. Its main attraction is the Trakai castle. In Gothic style, it is definitely in the right place, picture-perfect, lying … Continue reading The Baltics: Trakai, Lithuania – a dreamy stop for tired eyes

The Baltics: Vilnius, Lithuania – the G-spot of Europe?

Lithuania was my first stop on my 9-day backpacking through the Baltics (plus Helsinki). History wasn't kind to this country. Its independence was recognised in 1918 (precisely 100 years ago, which makes this year very special), but this didn't last for long. The 20th century was about to bring very bad news. We all know … Continue reading The Baltics: Vilnius, Lithuania – the G-spot of Europe?