Phú Quốc Island: a dreamy holiday destination or an eerie property wasteland?

Sunsets were stunning After starting my journey through South East Asia in the busy Ho Chi Minh City, I decided to book a few days in Phú Quốc hoping to get some relaxing time in. Quite frankly I didn't have much expectations about it... until a few days earlier when I started reading online (particularly … Continue reading Phú Quốc Island: a dreamy holiday destination or an eerie property wasteland?

Ho Chi Minh City: A Sleepless Arrival and Unique Landmarks

Nic's first hours in Ho Chi Minh City were a chaotic mix of transportation troubles, fatigue, and a lack of sleep. Despite the challenges, a walking tour provided a fascinating introduction to the city's unique culture and landmarks, including French colonial buildings, traditional markets, and the vibrant café apartment scene. The experience was both exhausting and enriching, setting the stage for further exploration.

Looking back to my trip to Vietnam Before going to Vietnam, I knew little about the country. I knew about what in Europe is commonly called The Vietnam War. I knew about the rice fields and about the hats. I knew about the famous Halong Bay. That Vietnam was a beautiful country. I knew it had fantastic food. And I knew … Continue reading Looking back to my trip to Vietnam

Last Day in Vietnam – a peaceful walk in Tam Coc & magical Bich Cong Pagoda

My last day in Vietnam was Lunar New Year's Eve. This means that most things were closed or at least closing down a lot earlier than usual and I would have to go to the airport earlier than planned as well. Still, with my flight being only at 1am, it meant I still had the … Continue reading Last Day in Vietnam – a peaceful walk in Tam Coc & magical Bich Cong Pagoda