Goating by the beach

It’s been a few busy weeks at work. I think busy doesn’t actually describe the fast-paced “office life” that I’m living from home for the past few weeks. It’s been insane and I’m trying to reduce the time I spend in front of a screen after work…yet, I don’t want to lose the habit of posting regularly in this little corner of mine, so I wanted to share a cute moment I had earlier this month at the beach.

It was a nice Spring day, sunny, a bit chilly, but nice enough to sit in the sand reading in peace. Until I look and there are goats. Goats everywhere. I had seen them grazing outside of the beach area, but I guess they decided to move for a bit.

It was such a nice surprise. I typically hate when my reading is interrupted, but this was the most welcoming interruption. It made my morning 🙂

This photos were taken in Praia Velha (Old Beach), Portugal.

Love, Nic

3 thoughts on “Goating by the beach

  1. Although getting lost in a book can lead to sunburns, cranky back, and sand everywhere, it’s still one of my favourite things to do on a sunny summers day. But in all my years in Sligo, I’ve never seen any goats on the beach, except for that one time when we ran into a llama! What are you reading at the moment, Nic? Thanks for sharing and have a nice day. Aiva 🙂 xxx

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    1. Running into a llama seems like a fun experience as well 😅 At the moment I’m actually finishing a book in Portuguese by a portuguese author. The name in Portuguese is “A trança de Inês”, which translates to “The braid of Ines” 🙂 It’s based of some historical a facts, a portuguese version of Romeo and Juliet ☺️ are you reading anything at the moment? Thank you for your comment Aiva!

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