Fall inspiration from Stockholm


I couple weeks ago, a couple friends and I went for a weekend in Stockholm. We had the flights booked for a long time. It was the perfect time and hours for a weekend break from a Saturday morning to a Sunday evening.

It was indeed a very short time, but I had a taste of Stockholm, a Scandinavian capital I had been wanting to visit for a long time. And I can tell you it tasted delicious. And no, I am not talking (only) about the Fika (Swedish for coffee break).


It was that time of the year when the days have started to shorten, but not too much. When temperatures are seasoned with chilly winds, but the sun still shines in-between the clouds, saying its last goodbyes before the winter. It was Fall. My favourite season. And well this is the beginning of Halloween week (my secret favourite holiday) so why not share with the blogosphere my autumnal shots of this beautiful city?


The colours of fall could be seen from the plane. I was lucky and got my favourite spot – a window seat – and looked in wonder to the land down there. Covered with spots of vivid yellows, reds and oranges. While in the UK Autumn was being too generous, in Sweden it had conquered the land completely. It was breathtaking. Even more, after landing.


Isn’t it beautiful, idyllic even? That is the magic of fall, upon us right before the darker winter days (I cannot say I don’t enjoy it a little bit as well).

Hope you enjoyed it! Happy Sunday.



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