the magical view of Loch Lomond

Sitting now in my room in this grey and rainy Sunday afternoon, it seems my trip to Loch Lomond took place in a parallel world. It was only last Sunday, Easter Sunday, and I was blessed with some sunshine on my way up Conic Hill.

When planning my trip to Glasgow, I also wanted to include some nature and stunning sights, what makes Scotland so unique. I had fallen in love with the highlands last year, in my guided tour to the Loch Ness. Now I wanted to have a look at Loch Lomond. And, for what I was seeing in my research, it looked amazing.

Conic Hill, Loch LomondConic Hill, Loch Lomond

When you don’t own a car or, like me, you’re not adventurous enough to drive on the other side of the road (especially alone), reaching places such as this can be quite challenging. Without a car, you won’t be able to get to a lot of places part of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs, some of them I really wanted to visit. I thought about going on a tour, but I wasn’t really in the mood to spend a day inside a bus. I wanted to feel it in my skin, I wanted to be able to emerge myself in nature and do some hiking to get the best views.

Conic Hill, Loch LomondConic Hill, Loch Lomond

After some research, I realised I could take a train from Glasgow to Balloch and, from there, I could take a bus to get me to Balmaha. Here you can do some proper hiking up Conic Hill. And, it is definitely worth it!

Conic Hill, Loch Lomond

So, if you’re in the same situation as I was, be sure you can, at least, do this, and have a fantastic sneak peek from magical Loch Lomond.

The climb is not too difficult. It’s quite steep in some parts and, because there were some snow and rain the day before, some bits were slipperyย and muddy. Despite o being Easter Sunday, it wasn’t too busy, just more families around. I went as early as I could, I didn’t want the sun to be up too high in the sky, and also assumed it would be busier around lunchtime. By then, I was already descending.

Conic Hill, Loch LomondConic Hill, Loch Lomond

When I found myself up there, I had this feeling of complete happiness. At a certain point, I was not sure if my eyes were tearing up due the cold wind or of emotion. Probably a mix of both. The view was absolutelyย stunning. I cannot describe and I would not dare. My photographs do not show even a humble share of how amazing it is. How beautiful. The weather conditions were just perfect. A blue sky with some fluffy white clouds, facing the lake, giving it that whimsical blue, inviting and yet intimidating. I was where a line could be traced dividing the lowlands from the highlands. It was ethereal.

Conic Hill, Loch LomondConic Hill, Loch LomondConic Hill, Loch LomondConic Hill, Loch Lomond

Conic Hill, Loch Lomond

When in cities you might be in awe when confronted with the power of humankind. But when in nature you are then reminded of who actually rules this place. You feel small and helpless. Your soul is invaded by reverence for this Planet and you suddenlyย feel so lucky for having the privilege to live here.

And profound sadness and exasperation invaded me on my way back to Glasgow… why are we humans being so stupid by destroying this beautiful place, only existing almost by chance, as no other planet like this is known in the Universe, at least not close to us.

Traveling is making me grow so much as a person, reminding me of what’s important, of what really matters. Traveling is a way of adoring this planet and yet, we need to respect it in any way. It’s our home and gives us everything we need to survive, to thrive and be happy. So, why destroy it?

Just look at these mountains, this lake, this sky. Doesn’t make you feel like home?

Love, Nic

Come fly with me:



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